STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Ethernet configuration of MAC address

Hi everyone,I'm configuring the Ethernet MAC address over CubeMX for a NUCLEO-F746ZG target. Default address is 00-80-e1-00-00-00 which identifies ST manufacturers.I was wondering if I can freely manipulate the other 24 bits for an industrial purpos...

Nadreoh by Associate II
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SD card taking time to store data

Hi everyone,I'm using stm32F407VG discovery board and STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.2 fimware for my project. I've included freertos and FATFS in my project. I've created 3 tasks, higher priority task(running at 100Hz) which job is to do some calculation and...

Rsrma.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Race condition with f_mount()?

I'm using FatFs without RTOS, and quite often the f_mount() call will fail. Right now it always fails, but in a previous version of my code it failed only 20%. My current mount code (using HAL) looks like if (f_mount(&fatfs, "", 1)) led_on_abo...

Resolved! How can I update the software on STM32F7 ?

Hi,I want to update the software of the STM32F746BGT via a USB stick or Ethernet connexion.Firstly, how can I use the USB stick to update the software inside the MCU ?How can I use the Internet connexion (via UART : Lantronix XPORT) to update the sof...

MMerc.1 by Senior
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