I would like to test USB on an STM32L476 Nucleo-64 development board. I use STM32CubeMX version 6.2.1 and the library it's using is "STM32CubeL4 Firmware Package V1.17.0 / 11-February-2021". I select Nucleo-64 in Board Selector in STM32CubeMX and the...
Hi,For USB HS device mode DMA to work correctly, we need to consider:1- address alignment (4byte align due to hardware design) ... OTG_D(I/O)DMAx registers2- size of data (not recommended but can be set in byte size using HBSTLEN in OTG_GAHBCFG regis...
I read AN2606 but i couldn't understand exactly. My understood is that if i connect boot0 pin to ground, main flash memory is gonna be selected. My question is if i do it(connecting boot0 pin to ground), will i lose the ability which enable me to pro...
I'm doing an Open bootloader project for STM32L4R5ZI MCU, I don't want to use lower layer configurations for Usart, so how should I adapt the open bootloader project for my controller, what are the changes i need to do?
I am using an stm32f401rc microcontroller, peripheral USB mass storage host is not detected, I am generating code as per the USB MSC HOST labs document.MX_USB_HOST_Process(); switch(Appli_state) { case APPLICATION_IDLE: break; case APPLICATION_START:...
Hi,I have massive trouble while implementing USB HID on a STM32F373.I use the CubeIDE, made a new project configured the USB pins and the USB Device middleware as „Custom Human Interface Device Class„.The report descriptor has a length of 37 Byte and...
Currently I have it working, but while the FLASH READ is about 200us and can be done wholly inside STORAGE_Read_FS (which is within an ISR), the FLASH WRITE takes ~17ms and while it works fine done wholly inside STORAGE_Write_FS, it needs the disabli...