STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F767ZI + FreeRTOS SysTick HardFault

Hey! I'm not that experienced wit FreeRtos and i am facing a HardFault problem. I want to use FreeRtos and created some tasks. But when the Systick Handler is called for the first time, it causes an Hardfaul Exeption. The Program Counter points to th...

MKuhl.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ULPI on the STM32H7B0 using USB3300

I had success when using the ULPI interface on a STM32H7A3 (on the nucleo board) using an external ULPI transceiver board when porting over to the STM32H7B0, I am not having much success. I believ...

Resolved! STM32 for safety critical application.

Hello, I happened to have to make an MCU board for a military application. Generally I always use STM32 MCU with which I am very comfortable.But for this specific application I tried to search if there were any MCUs specifically designed for mil...

Resolved! AUDIO_AudioCmd_FS gets called only once

I am trying to implement a simple soundcard from using STM32F407G-DISC1 board.It utilizes STM32F407. I am using CubeIDE version 1.10.1I configured the USB to be Full-speed Device Only. And I configured the middleware as Audio class.I set the the heap...

Sami1 by Associate II
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HAL UART Receive short reads - corrupt data

I am trying to implement a UART Rx using a typicalstart-byte, length, payloadpattern.I spin read on 1 character until it is my start byte. Then I read 2 bytes, shift them into a 16 bit length and read the remainder of the payload.The trouble is, the...

PCamp.2 by Associate III
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FileX, DMA, disable or manage cache?

HiIn the various filex with SDMMC examples the icache and dcache are enabled so when porting I did the same.I noticed when attempting to use DMA SPI it was not working until I disabled these. For the SD I then have to disable cache and cache manageme...

OHaza.1 by Associate III
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