When jumping to bootloader from software for devices such as the stm32l4, why is it necessary to remap system memory to address 0x0000 0000 in address space by calling __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SYSTEMFLASH? On the contrary, the stm32H7 doesn't require...
I am following an the example from MOOC;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSLN_WM2TOc&list=PLnMKNibPkDnExrAsDpjjF1PsvtoAIBquX&index=59&t=889sI can't make it work, apparently LPTIM trigger interrupts continuously.I create a fresh project to reproduce pr...
Hello again,Here's what I want to do:1) wait for the UART_FLAG_RXNE to be set2) receive one character3) switch based on that character (character is saved for further processing)4) receive the proper number of following characters based on the comman...
My previous question was how to detect a cable and they said to use a EXTI to receive a VBUS detection. The customer wants to use USB to program a blank device (so nothing configured) and EXTI is a block of interrupts and could be multiple pins. Ple...
I downloaded Azure-IOT example for STM32U5 which works on IAR. I am trying to add a c file to secure application. I am able to compile and even see that function is hit while I debug.After this function call, the board is getting rebooted with below ...
I'm wondering if i'm missing something here.I've hooked up BOOT0 to the 5V pin on CN2. I have nBOOT1 set to 1, and i'm connected to the device via the ST-LINK as the other usb port doesn't seem to be active. I've also installed the udev rules, and ju...
HI all,I need a sampling rate of 1K to collect the analog voltage.My chip is :STM32F103C8T6.I use Timer2's interrupt to enable collect and send data, after send disable.I use a plus at 100Hz to verify, find it will lost some data:ThanksBoone
Dear Forum, I am using STM32H735 with RTOS LwIP with a DP83826 PHY, and want to see at least a ping on the network. From HW point of view the PHY seems to work because I can communicate with it and read config registers. The strap pins are set to a v...