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Using STM32 examples on custom boards

Associate II


I have made a custom board using the STM32WB55CEU6 chip and I would like to try out some examples that are available from ST. My problem is that these examples are made for STM32WB55CG and I can't find an easy way to change target of these examples. In the read me file it says:

This example has been tested with NUCLEO-G431KB RevA board and can be

easily tailored to any other supported device and development board.

But i can't seem to find an easy way to do it. 

My current aproach is:

- Getting the example project using CubeMX.

- Creating new project with the desired target

- Importing .ioc project configuration

After that I have the same configuration but the project is obviously empty. The example files are linked so i can't copy them. 

Thank you in advance for any help.



ST Employee

Hello @dryet ,

I recommend you follow this FAQ: MCU1 to MCU2 migration option within STM32CubeIDE.

You can also refer to the Tutorial 5: "Exporting current project configuration to a compatible MCU" in UM1718.


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