STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts


i have compiled opus lib on H5. but i can not decode data. this is my init function and works fine.   DecConfigOpus.channels = 2; DecConfigOpus.ms_frame = 20; DecConfigOpus.sample_freq = 48000; uint32_t dec_size = DEC_Opus_getMemorySize(&DecC...

nimaltd by Senior
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Regarding USB Application

Hello Guys, I'm Currently working on a Project in handling USB. I got an Example GitHub code from our community for interfacing with the USB. But in that code, the while loop looks empty. I don't know how to implement Transmission and Receive the dat...

bsn_14 by Associate
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STM32H7A3ZITQ_LQFP144 QSPI Timeout Issue

 Hello,I am using the STM32H7A3ZITQ and have encountered an issue while controlling the MT25QL128ABA1ESESF0IT flash memory during the flash read process. I am operating in QSPI mode. During extended aging evaluations, a 5-second timeout (a busy flag ...

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khkim by Associate II
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Unknown type name 'HAL_StatusTypeDef' Error

Hi, I am trying to use the peripherals with their peripherals rather than initializing it with CUBEMX tool. I am only selecting 'Serial Wire' option of Debug mode under System Core -> SYS with CUBEMX. However, when I build my program, it throws the e...

no Satel-VL53L8CX SPI example

Hi! I am developing a project which uses the satel-Vl53l8cx. I found many examples in I2C but none in SPI.The only one would be in VL53L8CX_ULD_driver_2.0.0 but this one was coded for the X-nucleo-Vl53l8A1.   A wiring is shown in AN5945 in SPI but in...

Antonin_m84_5-1720044853550.png Antonin_m84_6-1720044872426.png

Ethernet: LWIP memory issue

Whenever i am trying to post data i am facing this error this is making my system reboot everytime. I am using STM32F417VETX controller. Assertion "detected mem overflow in pool TCPIP_MSG_INPKT" failed at line 109 in ../Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/s...

FOTA in stm32l4

Hello,I wanted to know some suggestion regarding a project, and adding FOTA support in it.The project is stm32l4 based and it configures the gsm module as a server and one can make request and get response using http protocol.I wanted to update the f...