Just received this and it doesn't connect. I contacted Truphone and they were not much help. They did mention to make sure the apn is iot.truphone.com.I know almost nothing about this device and the instructions are sparse but I did find a menu item ...
Hello, there is a bullet in the STM32L0 HAL that escape me. On page 38 of UM1749 it is said:"When a status bit or a flag is read from registers, it is composed of shifted values depending on the number of read values and of their size. In this case, ...
In STM32F030CCT6TR Cortex M0 microcontroller I am getting hard fault error when I enable interrupt after switching from bootloader to application.
HelloI am building an USB PD application.- MCU: STM32G071RB- Tool: STM32CubeIDE (Firmware version 1.6.1)I am using 2 USB PD ports (UCPD1 and UCPD2).The power role of UCPD1 is DRP, and UCPD2 is Sink.And I am reading debug messages through STM32CubeMon...
Hello, I would like to know if configuring the STM32 as a USB host will I be able to connect another device that has a TTL to USB serial converter? Or do I need to install some kind of drivers to detect it?
I'm trying to create and write a file in a USB stick as a USB MSC Host + FatFs using FreeRTOS my MCU is a STM32F413I'm using the code generated by STM32CubeMX and added the following functions:f_mount(&USBHFatFS, (TCHAR const*)USBHPath, 1));f_open(&U...
To perform firmware upgrade through UART, we had tried to put the MCU into bootloader mode by following sequencea) NRST pin set to LOW and BOOT0 pin to HIGH to select System memoryb) NRST pin set to HIGH to boot into bootloaderTo accomplish this, we ...