STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32L0538-DISCO Demo program

I recently bought the STM32L0538-DISCO board. I have seen the following video in youtube where you can see the functions of this board in full. Where can I find the source code for STM32Cube?On the info page of the board I have not found one that wor...

Daitec.1 by Associate II
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ST example code has corrupted ETH RX Buffers

HI,I’m working on ETH and FreeRTOS on the STM32H745 Nucleo-144. I’ve read about various problems on this forum about using the ethernet as detailed below

0693W00000KbQfsQAF.jpg 0693W00000KbQgmQAF.jpg 0693W00000KbQiNQAV.jpg 0693W00000KbQiwQAF.jpg
CHossack by Associate III
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Interface STM32H753 with LAN9303 Ethernet PHY

Hi,I've CubeIDE project for LAN9303 2 port ethernet driver. Followed the ST LWIP article and got the ping on the switch IC to PC.I have a problem with getting registers of lan9303. I guess the LAN8742 driver is doing minimal settings on the ic but wh...

umtkyck by Associate II
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In STM32F030CCT6TR Cortex-M0 series microcontroller,when the pointer jumps from bootloader project to Application project ,no interrupts are being raised in application project even after the initialization and interrupt functions are enabled.

The Interrupt vector table for both the Bootloader and the Application Project are shared at 0x800000 register location,but when code pointer jumps to Application project the interrupt vector still remains at 0x800000 and the application project has ...

TShet.2 by Associate III
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