STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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FreeRTOS acquisition and release?

Hello Everyone,I have a Problem with to acquisition DATA  from One TASK to another and release data.And there is another problem that I can not access  Data from One task to another to use and when can we use , in this code i have to use acq...

NetXDuo custom phy interface

HelloI have STM32H563 with KSZ8081 ethernet phy. On FreeRTOS + LWIP i was able to define the PHY in CubeMX and it was basically working out of the box. However on the NetXDuo when i select Custom Phy Interface I am a bit lost. Are there any guideline...

Resolved! stm32f4 CAN protocol implementation

Hi,i am new to HAL Libraries. i am learning to work with CAN BUS using HAL Libraries. Can any one please post an example of STM32F CAN BUS using HAL Libraries. I searched about the existing examples but their isn't any example with new firmware. im n...

_kalpesh by Associate III
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stm32f7508-dk board not working

  after writing below flash related code in stm32f7508-dk board , controller is not working display getting blank and , it is also not detecting . can any one help me hot to erase the code and reload the my code void SetupFlashMemory(){//setup memory...

kishor by Associate II
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HAL_I2C_GetError() reporting error codes

Hello, We have noticed communication errors with STM32 that is working in our device. The device includes STM32 (master) and TI's battery monitor BQ76952 (slave).Using the same device and same software we noticed three situations that occur randomly:...

KGryn.1 by Associate II
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Reading input at high frequency

Hi,I've encountered a problem with digital input probing. I have two signals connected to my GPIO on the STM32 F411; the first one is the CMD line, and the second is CLK. Based on the CLK, I would like to read incoming bits on CMD, but only for a spe...

tjak by Associate II
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