I configured a few working projects with FreeRTOS and CubeMX, but today I notified something strange with my .ioc files.I initally configured a project with CubeMX 5 and after having configured the FreeRTOS, the NVIC configuration pages looked like t...
I am trying to interface a SPI flash from Winbond (W25Q64JV) with FATFSI have no previous experience with FATFS.I initialize FATFS in CubeMX with the option "used-defined" and modified the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM Sector Size to 4096, as it is the smalles...
I was working with STM32CubeIDE version 1.2 and I was debugging my code with the serial console available in the IDE.I made the update to the 1.3 version and now the "open serial console" icon just disappear and I can't find it anywhere.Does the seri...
Posted on July 03, 2018 at 10:15 Hello, I'm using a STM32F303RB on a project. I need to rotate a small and low power BLDC motor. I don't need high speed rotation, I only want to controll it as a stepper and use the 6 step commutation solution in...
I understand your answer, it is a good point and well explained, thank you.However, even if it is not usuall, it is still possible to implement it right ?The application would be to store a firmware for a firmware update which works with a bootloader...