STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

bootloader vs sdram stm32f429

Posted on January 27, 2016 at 10:02I'm designing a board that uses the micro stm32f429 . I am considering to use the bootloader CAN integrated and at the same time a memory SDRAM using the FMC . I'm in trouble because the pin PB5 is the CKE pin of t...

simone23 by Associate
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Bootloader STM32f103V8

Posted on July 26, 2011 at 18:15Hi everyone,I am new to the ARM Chips and am trying to implement a bootloader using the example code from AN2557.I am using IAR workbench for ARM 6.2 and a segger Jlink educational JTAG.In IAR I have 2 separate projec...

Bug Report: CAN HAL Drivers in STM32CubeF4

Posted on September 02, 2014 at 12:33Hi,I have discovered several unfortunate behaviors of the HAL CAN module in the Cube package according to how I would like to use it. Please read through them and let me know your input.1. HAL_CAN_Transmit for po...

lars by Associate II
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STM32CubeMX 4.12.0 Bug - usbd_cdc_if.c

Posted on January 25, 2016 at 16:02Hello, my private variables in usbd_cdc_if.c are deleted after the new code generation: /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_VARIABLES  */ uint8_t    u8_cdc_initialized = 0; uint8_t    u8_cdc_connected = 0; uint8_t    u8_rx_...

HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT(): Missing __HAL_UNLOCK() ?

Posted on July 17, 2015 at 11:28We have experienced EWG error when calling HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT() repeatedly with the same CAN handle. Making following changes in the hal_can could we solve this problemHAL_CAN_Transmit_IT(CAN_HandleTypeDef* hcan) {  ...

rs2 by Associate II
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