2018-02-05 2:28 AM
Our embedded application keep crashing
VListinsertendafter some time of operations. FreeRTOS code is generated using CubeMx. What could be the possible issue ?FreeRTOS details
FreeRTOS 8.2 with heap 4 , Systick timer
osThreadDef(Task1, StartTask1, osPriorityRealtime, 0, 256);
osThreadDef(Task2, StartTask2, osPriorityHigh, 0, 196);osThreadDef(Task3,StartTask3, osPriorityRealtime, 0, 256);osThreadDef(Task4, StartTask4, osPriorityAboveNormal, 0, 196);http://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers/stm32f303cc.html
256 Kbytes of Flash memory40 Kbytes of SRAMWhat should be the ideal CSTACK and HEAP size for the this kind of applications ?
Custom size cstack and Heap
Can anyone guide us in the right direction on how to find the right size of CSTACK and HEAP for the application ?
#stm32f3 #freertos #stack #heap2018-02-05 6:27 AM
The STACK in this context is probably just what's need to start all the other tasks, and those allocate theirs from the HEAP.
Can anyone guide us in the right direction on how to find the right size
..You, as a developer, need some conception of what demands your code generates, the call depth of your routines, the auto/local variable usages, and the expectations for malloc/free dynamic allocation of resources.