STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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SD Card remove and reinsert

fresult1 = f_mount(&myFATAFS, SDPath, 1) while(FR_OK != fresult1){If I remove and reinsert the SD card the f_mount return FR_DISK_ERR instead FR_OK.If I restart the project all is OK.I have the SD_CARD present pin, what can i do when the card is disc...

IlConte by Associate III
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Ethernet DMA RBU & TBU Error bit on STM32H5

Hey there!I've been playing around with the Ethernet HAL driver on the NUCLEO-H563ZI and I was able to make it work. I'm currently using the latest STM32CubeH5 package release. Here's the issue: whenever I receive an ethernet packet, the interrupt at...

nunokisi by Associate II
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Resolved! stm32 timer stops after integer overflow.

Hello, i have a stm32wb15cci'm trying to make a hold button, that toggles a led on/off when pressed for 2 seconds. my HCLK1 is running at 4Mhz and my prescaler is at 3999, meaning it should count up every 1ms. I'm using TIM1 which is a 16bit timer, s...

cosmtrox by Associate
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NUCLEO-F401RE .bin file

Hello,  I'm Emily and I'm fairly new at using NUCLEO devices and ToF sensor. I would like to ask if a board NUCLEO-F401RE could only run one .bin file or could it run two .bin file? I'm currently trying out STSW-IMG035 but would like to have Gesture ...

Resolved! F410: multiple definition of `huart2';

HI there, i m using F410 Nucleo, and i keep getting these errors when using USART2, as I declare in 2 separe files i.e. main.c and buffer.  could anyone advise how to resolve this?error: multiple definition of `huart2'; //main.c .. /* Private variabl...