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Need resources for STM32H563ZI nucleo board

Associate II

I was recently working on STM32H563ZI nucleo board like connecting peripherals like LTE module, I2C sensors like MPU6050, LCD display, SPI modules like W25Q flash storage, USB  and some analog module like potentiometer. As per normal coding of individual  peripherals resources were available but for smooth integration of all the peripherals i was planning to use DMA for reducing the load for smooth operation. But i didn't get any clear documentation or resources of using GPDMA (present in STM32H563ZI)  for I2C, SPI and  UART. As i was planning to use FreeRTOS instead of Azure RTOS (ThreadX) because how to implement it as in this microcontroller there  is USBX which works on ThreadX. I followed the resources on Youtube from official STMicroelecronics channel, followed the same but the code was not working as expected.

I was going through reference manual the peripheral was USB, that means it can be used without  RTOS

I need help in resources for GPDMA for I2C,SPI and USART, USB with FreeRTOS or normal coding.


@Shubham08 wrote:

 i didn't get any clear documentation or resources of using GPDMA (present in STM32H563ZI)  for I2C, SPI and  UART. .

Those are internal features of the chip - they would not depend on the board.

So you need to look at the chip documentation: 

ST Employee


@Shubham08 wrote:

I was going through reference manual the peripheral was USB, that means it can be used without  RTOS


 That's not true. You can use USB without RTOS unless you are using a specific stack USBX for example.

The ressources available are:

The datasheet of the product, the reference manual of the product and the STM32CubeH5 package examples.


@Shubham08 wrote:

I need help in resources for GPDMA for I2C,SPI and USART, USB with FreeRTOS or normal coding.

RTOS is not part of the product so you can't find any resources/information or coding in the reference manual nor in the datasheet.

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