STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeF4 LIN driver support

Posted on September 09, 2014 at 04:06Hi!I am creating a project using STM32F4.The project should support LIN communication through UART4.I have the base code created using STM32CubeF4.I am using the provided HAL UART driver but the functions and it'...

Bug in STM32F4 HAL Driver, RTC

There is a bug in HAL_RTC_SetDate() function. As usual it has asserts for input parameter. Unfortunately in version 1.7.4 there are asserts in lines 653 and 654 which test the datetmpreg variable which is always zero in case of RTC_FORMAT_BCD. Actua...

grzegorz by Associate III
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ETH_IRQHandler never hit

Posted on June 13, 2018 at 10:20Im using stm32f746ZGT + LAN8472A  and lwip + freertos on my custom board. I generated default ethernet project by cubemx. I set static ip. After connect cable. Link leds seem like good. Yellow one is stable and green...