is nucleo-f303k8 a usb vendor class device?
can i get a example code for nucleo-f303k8 usb vendor class device or a detailed tutorial on how to create one?
can i get a example code for nucleo-f303k8 usb vendor class device or a detailed tutorial on how to create one?
HelloI have TIM3 set up like so:ABP1 Timer clock = 84 MHzPrescaler = 8399Period 9999Update event selected as triggerNVIC enabled for TIM3 global interruptThis gives me a timer interrupt every 1 second. But it appears as though the callback HAL_TIM_Pe...
I have FreeRTOS set up on an STM32F107 performing several tasks of different priority in "parallell". There is one task of IDLE priority that blinks an LED and one task of Normal priority that receives communication over CAN (triggered by external i...
For DMA, allocating the buffer to the right memory segment,I am already allocating the buffer in to D2 (0x30000000), which I think should be right, and I haven't enabled the cache yet, for remaining all nonvolatile memory allocated in section D1 (0x2...
Hi.If power is applied while USB is plugged in, it is possible to read and write data with USB MSC and Fatfs.I am looking for a way for USB to be detected when I plug in USB while STM32 is running.Even if I look for a way, I found only STM32 device....
Hi all, On an STM32F746-Disco I've succesfully tested DFU using DfuSe demo (ie sending a .dfu file from a PC to the board using the USB as a serial port) and the USB Host MSC... I wonder if it's possible create a bootloader that will read a dfu fil...
I see in AN2606 in the section for the L4XXX and DFU bootloader the use of PA11 and PA12, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these to achieve DFU mode. I have created a port of micropython that has a firmware.dfu file for loading; however...
Hello,When using external NOR is it reasonable to configure its memory addresses as cacheable or should it always be configured as NON-cacheable?If it is cacheable it means that when executing a programming nor command, it is not yet written into dev...
I'm trying to jump to the bootloader in system memory in order to update my firmware via USART1. See attached code based on When I execute the attached function the s...
Hi, I'm new to CAN communication and trying to up the CAN(normal mode) between two identical custom boards having stm32f072 controllers. Code generated using CubeMX (STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.9.0) drivers.I have given the setup diagram. TJA1050 RS pin is gr...