STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Caps lock led turn on/off

Posted on August 22, 2014 at 08:53I want to turn on/off keyboard led using STM32F4 Discovery HID example.. Keys are working fine.I have problem with output Set_report. Led is not turning on/off although it seems i am sending correct request.I am sen...

I have a working 3D printer, and an identical non-working one with a blown STM32F070CBT6. Can I extract the firmware from the working one?

I bought a second non-working used 3D printer with the expectation of repairing it. Turns out the MCU was destroyed - it actually had holes blown in its casing! I bought a few new MCUs of the exact same type, and replaced it. I can successfully put t...

JMora by Associate II
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