I have a small project that coded and prototyped on a 32F0308DISCOVERY board (STM32F030R8T6). It works perfectly on the Discovery board.I now want to switch over to using a STM32F030F4P6 programmed by the ST-Link that's on the Discovery board (CN2 ju...
Hi!I'm trying to migrate from CoIDE to Atollic and discovered some problems.It seems that STM32L151CC MCU supports 8MHz maximum speed but I found no option of speed adjusting in Atollic SWD interface. Atollic does not support ST-LINK V1 since v9.1.Is...
Hello,STM32 link utility uses the C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.2\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F7xx_QSPI_STM32F746G-DISCO.mac file to download soft into QUAD SPI N25Q-128Amemory. As our target uses a different interfa...
Hello , I'm trying to load my project using Atollic TrueStudio V9.2.0 with the ST-Link V2-1 debugger of the nucleo-64. I get this error : STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.1.0Copyright (c) 2018, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved...
Hi everyone,I use a custom stm32f0 board and i try to catch data coming from can bus and answer it back to can bus line. In the begining my program works good but after a couple of minutes mcu stucks in reset(i am not sure of the cause is from softwa...
st-linker debugger part help me how to dump the hex or binary file into stm32f401re microcontroller using st-link debugger
Hi community, I'm doing a PCB design with the microcontroller STM32L451VCT6. I want to work in low power and wake up the microcontroller with a push button. This push button is directly connected to a system wake up pin (PC13). I want to know how sho...
Can I use the st-link/programmer on nucleo l432kc to program external boards?I know that I need the SWCLK and SWDIO pins and they don't seem to be connected to external headers but I saw some people on internet using the embedded programmer on the nu...
Hi Everyone,I have a STM32F407 MCU development board (STM32F407VET6).The ST-Link Utility keeps displaying "No ST-LINK detected" - how do I overcome this?The development board I purchased: https://www.ebay.com.au/i/302449171492?chn=psAny help would be...