User Activity

I add TIM4, with prescaler of 63 and period of 9, and enable the interrupt. The ISR should trigger each 1 msec. It does not, it triggers about every 1.3 msec. When I look in the SystemClock_Config function it has the following unexpected behavior, i...
I don't see a cable that fits onto the Nucleo in the STLINK-V3Set package.There is a CN4 connector with the label SWD on the Nucleo, but no cables in the STLINK-V3SET fit that.
I am following the instructions in the 'UM1718 User manual", section 10.9, "Switching to another MCU".In STM32CubeMX I opened a new project and chose the F303RETx MCU option. Then I imported a working .ioc file into STM32CubeMX that was originally se...
I am using the STM32F303RE Nucleo, and STM32 CubeIDE. I have simple code that just sets up ADC1 in scan continuous mode, reading IN6, IN7, IN8, IN9 in single-ended, 12 bit size. I turned on the DMA for ADC1, using half word size, circular buffer.What...
Using the STM32F303RE Nucleo, I need to put ADC1 in scan mode so I can read multiple channels. To do so, I need to set the 'Scan Conversion Mode' to 'Enabled' in the Configuration. However that is not an option in the CubeIDE. Only 'Disabled' is show...