With the STM32G071 chip, STLINK simulation and debugging cannot be used under cubeIDE
When I try too start debugging I get this message:I checked the drivers and the device is showing as a USB Composit Device and I have no alternative to change the driver.I installed en.stsw-link009 and successfully installed some drivers but they are...
Hello,I have a custom STM32 board which has basically only the needed components to flash and use an STM32F103RET6 on board. This means, there are only a few capacitors for voltage stability, an 8MHz quarz + circuitry, and a few connectors on it.I ha...
We plan to use in one of our products WLCSP49 package.Please see page 126(PDF attached) - According to Table 80. "WLCSP49 recommended PCB design rules (0.4 mm pitch)" , the recommended Dpad Dimension is 220 µm.We perform some measurements on the PCB ...
On a custom board, we have an issue where after our first connection at 8MHz over SWD, then programming, we can only connect at 50kHz or slower. Has anyone seen this before? Could there be an issue in our hardware design/layout that is causing the co...
Hello, We are switching to STlink-V3 as our main debugging and programming tool. For programming, we use the mass-storage interface for simplicity. It works perfectly.The problem is that the mass-storage interface programs the FLASH memory from addre...
I have an STM32F4 Discovery board with a USB->Serial converter connected to pins PA2 (TX) and PA3 (RX). I used CubeMX to configure usart2. My test code successfully sends data over usart2 when I power the discovery board as usual over USB.However whe...