STM32H7 Wafer Size
I need to know STM32H7 Wafer Size please
I need to know STM32H7 Wafer Size please
I have a timer that generates an event out on:1. DAC to generate sine wave.2. ADC to read the sine wave and do FFT.Question 1:I find that the fundamental frequency of the sine wave is as follows:Counter value = ((Timer peripheral clock/desired freque...
I am debugging a firmware for force measurement in STM32f429i in STM32 Cube IDE and TouchGFX. In that I am using ili9488 LCD driver with tsc2004 touch sensor. My issue is on the display screen I couldn't navigate to next pages i.e., touch is not dete...
I have a new "Nx_MQTT_Client" sample application that I had set up and working on the B-U585 board. I tried it on another board I had, and it said I needed to update the WiFi BIOS. It had previously been updated to v2.11.1.I got the latest download, ...
i am working in a project on stm32u5a9j-dk board. i am fetching temperature value from inbuilt temperature sensor using ADC channel. I am getting the value in 4 digit int. i want to know to know how to transfer that value into *celcius. And one more ...
Hi,I need to design a mobile app to send a few informations to my STEVAL STWINBX1 board using BLE.I saw lot of resources on the wiki, but they all refer to STM32WB series.For examples, I would like to follow an application note like this one.(AN528...
I am looking for copy of schematic of Nucleo 030R8. I am in the process to design my custom board but I need reference design to check application circuit of STM32F030RCT6TR ThanksSyed
We're planning on using an STM32103RET6 with an external 10K pull up to VDD (3.3V). Can the STLINK-V3SET drive the combination of the internal pull up (30K-50K) and the external 10K resistance on the NRST pin?
Documentation Error? RM0368 sections 11.12.4 and 11.12.5 list sample A2D clock times for 8 different sample time settings. For all but setting 0, the data seem to disagree with my testing and performance measurements. My measurements indicate: // Sam...
I've been asked to write some firmware for a legacy board that has an STM32F102CBT6 mcu on it.I have been involved in other computer and mcu projects over the years, but not with an STM32F. I'd like to get up to speed by starting on some basic progra...