Hello, I am using F401RE Nucleo + X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1 + IKS01A2 and FunctionPack 4.2.1 .After dragging the _BL_v4.2.0 bin to the nucleo on resetting the board i am getting this : Error: hci_le_set_scan_response_data [ff]while on another board it is givi...
I am currently trying to understand why my "BlueNRG_Sleep" function doesn't work, from the main function where custom code should be, either while debugging or while using the battery with my BCN002 tile board. I use LEDs on before and after the sle...
Hello,I recently purchased STM's BLE nucleo expansion board, which works without issue. I am reviewing the software to develop my understanding and had a question regarding the MAC address. They are typically a unique address to the specific chip tha...
RF-flasher Utility say it can program the MAC addresses to device by list file.I try to make a text file of MAC address sample list. (attached file) And set it for MAC addresses. But RF-flasher Utility occers error. (Set MAC Address)How to write and ...
The trace thickness and gap in the datasheet for connection from S2-LP to BALF-SPI2-01D3 are given according to a special 4 layer stackup. What should this trace thickness and gap be on this connection 1mm thick 2-layer PCB? Dielectric constant = 4.3...
I'm trying to issue the CALIBRATE_ANTENNA (0xd8) command on my st25r3911b nucleo expansion board, but it seems to hang.Other commands (eg. MEASURE_CAPACITANCE and CALIBRATECAPACTIVE_SENSOR) work just fine and generate interrupts, but issuing CALIBRAT...
Hi, We recently saw that SPSGRF-868 (https://www.st.com/en/wireless-connectivity/spsgrf.html) has become Not Recommended for New Designs (NRND), which seems concerning as we use it in many IoT designs.Is there any ST module available, with ACTIVE sta...
What type of transients and erroneous signals can I expect at power-up and power-down if I do not follow the sequence described in the datasheet for 54AC164245? Can you characterize the duration and amplitudes when VDD1 = 5V and VDD2 = 3.3V. In this...
Since the poorly soldered microUSB connector on the eval board broke off, I fixed and wired USB-A connector. If the board is then connected to PC, STM DFU device appears in Device Manager and appropriate driver could be installed so I suppose that th...