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aci gap create connection return 0x85 (BLE_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED)

Associate II

Hi All,

I'm imported a throuhput project from bluenrg DK 1.3.0 and modifying it as per my requirement.

I'm using Bluenrg LPS in central mode and connecting to BlueNRG MS device which is configured as Peripheral.

The steps to configure BlueNRG LPS are -

  1. aci_gatt_srv_init()
  2. aci_gap_init()
  3. Gap_profile_set_dev_name()
  4. aci_gap_set_scan_configuration(DUPLICATE_FILTER_ENABLED,SCAN_ACCEPT_ALL, LE_1M_PHY_BIT, PASSIVE_SCAN, 0x4000, 0x4000);
  5. aci_gap_set_connection_configuration(LE_1M_PHY_BIT, 0x6, 0x6,0, 100, 0x4, 0x4);

Then I'm trying to create a connection by calling -

aci_gap_create_connection(LE_1M_PHY_BIT, PUBLIC_ADDR, bdaddr);

where bdaddr is mac address of the peripheral device.

And receiving the 0x85 (BLE_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED)return value.

Can someone help me out why I'm getting this error and how can I resolve it?