STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

Enabling RDP on ST32F746VG crashes the program

Hi!When switching RDP from level 0 to level 1, the program stops working. Switched using code in the program, as well as using the ST Visual Programmer. The result is the same.Code suchFLASH-> OPTKEYR = FLASH_OPTKEY1; FLASH-> OPTKEYR = FLASH_OPTKEY2;...

Asedo by Associate
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Can't link crypto library with IAR 8.11.1

I am working with STM32F407 in a project with crypto library.With IAR 7 compiler version all is oknow I would like to use a more recent version of the compiler IAR 8.11.1 but the link fail with Warning[Lt009]: Inconsistent wchar_t size          cry...

SPI SD Card with CRC

Posted on June 08, 2013 at 11:56Hi, I am looking to understand exactly what CRC support the STM32F103 provides when interfacing with an SD card using an SPI channel and no DMA. I am using an Olimex STM32-P103 development platform and have successful...

dsjnews by Associate III
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Generation of compatible CRC for CRC peripheral

I'd like to use the CRC peripheral to check the validity of a code image in memory. I'm planning on generating a CRC during the build process, and adding the value to the end of the image when it's built. I'm using the Python function crcmod.mkCrcFun...

LThal by Associate II
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STM32F765NI - Calculate CRC using DMA

Hi, Presently I'm calculating CRC using HAL and going forward would like to calculate it using DMA to save some CPU usage.I read in application note AN4187 about calculating CRC using DMA but it explicitly mentions only applicable for F0, F1, F2, F3,...

SGAUR by Associate
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STM32 hardware AES GCM is not working properly

using the STM32 Crypt processor I could successfully encrypt and decrypt plaintext using AES GCM (STM32 cryptographic library version V1.5.0). The stm contoller that I am using is STM32F479NIHx. Simultaneously, there is another crypto project in the...

Nk k by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Crypto Lib on STM32L051C8

Hello,I'm trying to integrate latest crypto lib (v. 3.1.2, FW implementation) into my TrueSTUDIO project but encryption with AES-CBC-128 fails.Example project in Fw_Crypto\STM32L0\Projects\STM32L053R8-Nucleo\AES\AES192_CBC fails both encryption and d...

STM32L4: Read Out Protection Level

Hi, I use STM32L431CCT6 for development.Occasionally, even I have no done any special operation, read out protection mode is enabled.(Level0→Level1)I do not know the cause clearly.Please tell me the cause or ​reproduction method.And is there any solu...

TNaka.0 by Associate
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