STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F0 IAP USB problem

I use __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SRAM(); this function ,but MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(); can't work.After I went to debug tool ,it appear cannot access memory this problem.I don't know how to solve it.Maybe it should register address problem,or init address ...

1123 by Associate II
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problems with usb msc device on stm32f4

Hi. I need to create USB MSC Device on STM32F407. I use CubeMX for create project. When I compiled the project with MSC_MEDIA_PACKET = 512 windows did not see the mass storage device, then I changed MSC_MEDIA_PACKET = 256 and windows saw the mass st...

MishaT by Associate II
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Reading ADC ?

Dear ST Community Members,I want to read a value from 2 ADC channels on STM32L031,How can I do that using polling conversion ?Thanks

Resolved! Extra USBD characters in hpcd->OUT_ep->xfer_buff

Disclaimer: I am using V1.14.0 and have not edited the HAL or LL divers. I am running the chip at the USBD CDC example project settings. I am communicating at FS.I am seeing this(hpcd->OUT_ep->xfer_buff) buffer populate with additional/non-existent c...

ZThat by Senior
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Resolved! HOW to send 16bit over SPI

Hi, I want to send five,16 bit data over SPI. WHile executing the code i cant see any transmission. What i wanted isSS = 0 -> 16 bit data1 -> SS=1, SS = 0 -> 16 bit data2 -> SS=1,or2, SS=0 , word0, word1, word2,word3, word4 ss=1i tried both methods b...