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Forum Posts

Enabling HTTPd breaks the whole project

Hi, I'm playing around with lwIP on my Nucleo-H743ZI and I was able to make ping work, udp/tcp echo and snmp too. But when I enable HTTPd the project doesn't wont do compile I just get a lot of undefined references, I tried to make a new project and ...

abeslic by Associate II
  • 15 replies
  • 10 kudos

interfacing PSRAM using FMC

Hi allI have used CubeMx to create an FMC interface to psram(nonmultiplex) 8-bit data 10-bit addressThe data is valid on the rising edge of the fourth clock To have correct data on the data pins the pointer to write data (psram64) must be a 64-bit po...

dorong_0-1728310439012.png dorong_1-1728310491964.png
dorong by Associate
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REST API on STM32F4 with lwIP

Dear all,I am using lwIP over STM32F4 and I would add REST API to my project.I try to understand how to do that, and the only way that I have found is to use CGI. The problem is the reply: I can reply only with a static file present in the SDCARD (th...

LFerr.3 by Associate
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Error stm32 when use button

Hello everyone, I use the button to hold the Semaphore in this task, when I press the button the Semaphore is released, but the error I get is that the button is not pressed but the Semaphore is automatically releasedplsss help me, thank so much
