STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! LAN8742 infinite loop bug

Hi,I think there is a missing break statement in lan8742.c:170. In current version, if the code ever gets to line 170 (status = LAN8742_STATUS_RESET_TIMEOUT;) it will be stuck in an infinite loop. Adding break statement after this line fixes the prob...

JZamo by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H747I-DISCO with LWIP not working

Hi, I am working with STM32H747I-DISCO but the lwip not working. I have apply the recommendations here but the LAN8742.c have infinity loop in line 170. while(regvalue & LAN8742...

Resolved! Stm32f405 unable to enter DFU

I have designed my custom stm32f405 board based on Pyboard 1.1 and Adafruit Feather stm32F4 Express and was unable to enter USB DFU with it.I uploaded the code using ST-Link and can confirm that USB OTG FS works, without DFU the device is visible as ...

DLegu.1 by Associate II
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B-L072 Discovery Board - DFU Mode

Hey guys, I am seeking to activate the DFU mode in the B-L072 Discovery Module using the Murata CMWX1ZZABZ-091 module.I have kept BOOT0 pin to HIGH and connected a USB cable to the CN11 USB connector. But STM32prog does not detect the DFU bootloader....

stm32f105 Device Only issues

HII am struggling to set up USB Device only on stm32f105I do set up followingRCC - Crystal resonatorSYS - Debug Serial wireUSB_OTG - Device onlyUSB Device - CDCClock I set up 8MHz and run resolveBuild project and load firmwareAnd after connecting to ...

AMaka.1 by Associate II
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