STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32 Xmodem Protocol Hex File Parsing

Hi,I am trying to update the firmware with an xmodem protocol over a uart with stm32. I convert the hex file created by CubeIDE into an Xmodem 1k package and send it. The bootloader I wrote in Stm32, receives this data and writes it to the necessary ...

mehmetdm by Associate
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STM32F429ZI NUCLEO connect MQTT broker

I'm facing an issue connecting STM32 to the MQTT broker. The mqtt_status has 4 states: MQTT_START, MQTT_CONNECT, MQTT_SUBTOPIC, and MQTT_RUNNING.enum mqtt_status{    MQTT_START = 0,    MQTT_CONNECT = 1,    MQTT_SUBTOPIC = 2, MQTT_RUNNING = 3};this is...

QuangIoT by Associate II
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Unable to pair DWM1000

I am trying to use DWM1000 for ranging as well as communication but I am unable to do it . I debugged the code and Know that Initiator is sending data but is not being heard . The Rx buffer in responder is geting updated by random values.I have attac...

Rituraj by Senior
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Resolved! Bug in STM32H7 OSPI HAL Drivers RX DMA code

Hi there,just found out, that there's a severe bug in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2, file stm32h7xx_hal_ospi.c at line 1599 (Function HAL_OSPI_Receive_DMA), which prevents the OSPI DMA Receive mode from working correctly:   /* Enable the transmit MD...

hknief by Associate
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HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady error at 100khz

i am getting sistematically the exact problem described in this post at 100kHz I2C frequency. I am using a nucleo with stm32fg031. Even tho i have set up 5 trials, i only get on my analyzer ...

kuzi_996 by Associate
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STM32H5 UART DMA Error Recovery

Hello, I am working on a project using DMA and UART HD to communicate between multiple MCUs.  I have an issue where when one MCU starts up, it momentarily interrupts the UART HD bus and sometimes causes a UART and/or DMA error.Since I am using the ST...

DPade.1 by Associate III
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