STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! What is the relationship between the DAC dataholding registers, data output registers, and the conversion half/full complete callbacks?

Hello everyoneI am having trouble understanding the relationship between the registers and the callback functions for my application. Briefly put, I am transferring 2 values to the DAC via DMA using TIM6 as interrupt at a rate of 50 Hz. I want to sam...

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WWDG_IRQHandler Doesn't Seem To Be Reached

I started learning about it while playing with WWDG_Example from STM32446E_EVAL.I can enable WWDG and tie it to my EXTI button on my Discovery board.The board will reset when the button is pressed and __HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST) == RESET.Wha...

Resolved! STM32L4R9I-EVAL demo source code

​Could you provide demo source code on the board STM32L4R9I-EVAL. I bought the STM32LR9I-EVAL board and the current demo program is very cool. I need the demo source  code to study. Thanks!

ZXu.6 by Associate
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Resolved! HardFault_Handler from stm32 + Fatfs + USB

Hello,A project created in truestudio generates a HardFault_Handler.There are 2 PCBs I made. PCB A and PCB B are the same circuit and components. I have confirmed that the operation is correct while writing the code in PCB A.However, there was a prob...

SWoon by Associate II
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Why variable changes to old value?

I have stm32vldiscovery board. I generated project by stm32cubemx.I want to switch down led by external interrupt (PA0 button).I have this in main.c#include "main.h" ... uint8_t ldOn = 1;   int main(void) { HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); MX_...

Alexios by Associate
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Resolved! using HAL_UART_Transmit with safety

Hi,I'm using the USART function HAL_UART_Transmit for debugging.Most of the time everything works well.But sometimes the HAL_UART_ErrorCallback is called... And all my program freeze.Could you help me with these 2 options (first is best for me) :how ...

MMath.10 by Associate II
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STM32 USB disable work

I am using the STM32F072B development version. The program is divided into two blocks, main code (address 0x08004000) and boot code (address 0x08000000).At present, I have a big problem. When I first started the power, I can know that the boot code j...

1123 by Associate II
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