Just used the example application "LoRaWan_End_Node" with the Nucleo-WLWL55JC board.This example send every 10seconds data to a gateway which is received in the TheThingsNetwork environment. Default is "LoRaWan_End_Node" disabled, when "USE_FULL_ASSE...
I trace this back to the call tmp_hal_status = ADC_Enable(hadc) in HAL_ADC_START_DMA() in stm32h7xx_hal_adc.c.When I look into ADC_Enable(), I see comment about a workaround. There is waited for ADC_ENABLE_TIMEOUT. But with the settings I use, this A...
How to obtain version information of used packedge at runtime.In cube config file it can be looked up (for example V1.8.0), but how to get it runtime in code?
I connect PC6 with PC7 to get a loopback on my evaluation board.I add the following code:do{ memset( aRxBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(aRxBuffer)); if(HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&UartHandle, (uint8_t *)aRxBuffer, RXBUFFERSIZE) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); ...
Additional information.Also "assert_param(IS_PWR_STOP_ENTRY(STOPEntry));" in function HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode() of file stm32wlxx_hall_pwr_ex.c (r1036) gives hanging in stop mode when "USE_FULL_ASSERT" is enabled.
Step 1: Original "LoRaWan_End_Node" with the Nucleo-WLWL55JC board, device is periodicall communicating to server (every 10sec) -> okay.Step 2: enable "#define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1" and set breakpoint at "assert_failed()" function.No periodicall commun...
Hello,Thanks for a fast response. Chip family : H743ZiThis info I allready found and can also be requested by function HAL_GetHalVersion(), returns for my project "0x01090000".This version is different from the HW firmware packedge, which can be foun...