STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! fatfs f_read() and f_gets() return incorrect data

When reading from an SD card using SPI and FAT32 using either f_read() or f_gets() the data returned does not match the actual file contents.I am using an STM32F103C8.fresult = f_open(&fil, "0:test.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);   unsi...

3nt3 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F103 Custom HID; I'm stuck

Hi all,I'm Pierre, I am new to this community!I have found many great tips for some of my problems, but I moved into custom HID and I'm stuck.So here's what I am trying to do. I have two slave cards sending I2C data to the master. This is working gre...

Ple b.11 by Associate
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STM32H7 Change USB buffers

I recently changed my SPI, I2C and USB HID to DMA. I changed buffers so they are in specific RAM sections which are accessible to DMA (RAM_D3 for I2C and RAM_D2 for SPI and USB). I am using DTCM RAM for stack, heap, data, etc. It was easy to change p...