STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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In Application Program to STM32H750 .

hi I am using STM32H750 MCU in my custom board. I want program by using IAP(in application program) . I wrote main boot code size of 19k and (flash size I took 32k from IROM1:0x08000000 - 0x8000) , I programmed to application address is 0x0800800...

srikanth by Associate III
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Hi, I try to communication with two stm32f4 via CAN bus. the first board (which transmit the message) as can1 and the second (which receive the message) as can2. I'm using the new HAL_CAN function.

In polling mode, HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage() returns HAL_OK, but HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage() returns HAL_CAN_ERROR_PARAM. In interrupt mode, the function HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback() never has been called (CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler not been called). Also HAL...

AS.5 by Associate II
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Windows Driver/INF files for ECM

Hi there,Windows does not contain a default ECM driver like Linux does. I was wondering if there was any intention providing a Windows driver for the ECM middleware that is in the framework? We have to work with specific Android phones, which do no...

JKaz.1 by Associate III
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PDM2PCM Library will not link.

Hi.I'm working on a STM32F4-Discovery board, and I'm having trouble linking the PDM2PCM Library into my project. I have run the example project located in the STM32F4-Discovery folder called "Audio_playback_and_record" and it works fine.I have copied...

mbmail4 by Associate II
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USBPD message sequence issue.

Hi STteam,@brief : We are working PD source solution(i.e. 60Watt (20V @ 3A max)) using STM32G081RBT6. We are taking USB-PD_Provider_1port as an Base reference project.@Reference : I have gone through each and every line of UM2552 reference manual I f...

HGorl.1 by Associate II
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