STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Standard Peripheral Library for STM32H7

Hello all, I am using STM32H747 in my project, previously I was using HAL library for my project, but now I want to shift my code to standard peripheral library, my question is do STMH7 series support to standard peripheral library if Yes then can an...

WakeUp from STOPMode at arbitrary time

Hello,Now I'm developing on STM32L052T8Y6TR and thinking to occur every 20msec WakeUp from systick interrupt.More concretely, after Entering Stop Mode (by HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode), I want to start wake-up at arbitrary time. in the SysTick_Callback.I kn...

curiae by Associate III
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Resolved! LwIP_IAP: html files?

Heyho,I'm about to start writing an ethernet bootloader for the H7.I found the F7's LwIP_IAP example, a good way to get ideas how to realize the bootloader, although I'll probably put the new bin into an external SPI flash.As I have an http-webserver...

LCE by Principal II
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Resolved! Timer Output Compare example TIM_OCActive

I am using a NUCLEO-G071RB, STM32CubeIDE v1.17.0, and STM32Cube_FW_G0_V1.6.0 with patch STM32Cube_FW_G0_V1.6.2. I compiled and downloaded the timer example TIM_OCActive.Please confirm that the four output signals turn permanently active (high) after ...

Kmax18 by Senior II
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Resolved! Generated private variables in main.c

In the generated code in main.c file, there are variables that are declared as "private variables" by the software, such as "ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1"; "TIM_HandleTypeDef htim1". Since these variables are declared only in main.c and not in main.h, doe...

neel1311 by Associate
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