STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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I want to send AT+CWLAP commands and put only WiFi names (excluding commands and addresses) in the array to display five on the board. Please recommend me how to use it. Also, we analyzed the pattern. Please tell me how to parse.

// I use this code. And stm32h750 B/D w/ Esp8266.UART_HandleTypeDef UART2_WIFI;uint8_t RX_Data[128];uint8_t RXD;uint8_t data[11]="AT+CWLAP\r\n";if(IndexCount >= 200){ IndexCount = 0; if(StartFlag == 0) {  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOH,GPIO_PIN_10,GPIO_PIN_...

wwgww by Associate II
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Resolved! USART1 for STM32F411CE using HAL

Hello! I am trying to get the USART1 (only using as a UART) for the STM32F411CE. I have been doing some studying on the STM32407VG and got the UART to work with straight register manipulation. (That was done here:

JCorl.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Azure RTOS ThreadX NetXDuo Cache

Hello together,I have a question regarding caching on AzureRTOS ThreadX/NetXDuo. At the moment I am switching from freeRTOS + lwIP to AzureRTOS ThreadX + NetXDuo. So far everything works but I have some questions regarding caching. I know that the et...

ESawa.1 by Associate III
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