STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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firmware over Ethernet possible on STM32F103?

STM32F103 and W5300 (Ethernet chip) were connected to FSMC.I've officially checked how to do firmware using Uart or USB.However, I can't find the firmware method using Ethernet.Can STM32F103 proceed with firmware upgrade using firmware data received ...

DJlee by Associate II
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Resolved! Need Help with RX ETH using HAL

Hi!!!Need assist. 2 boards with stm32F439 (Nucleo boards) direct connect1 board send packet (every 1 sec) using function:HAL_ETH_Transmit(&heth, &txConfig, HAL_MAX_DELAY);ok. packed succes captured and verified with WireShark, no errors.Try receive t...

User25 by Associate
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STM32F103 & Encoder Mode

Dear community,I work on a 'robot' with odometrie.Each geared DC motor have a rotarty magnetic encoder ( AS5047P).I use Quadrature Output to Encoder mode. It's works but i have some questions...> get_valueWhathever the configuration on STMCube, the v...

jlecl.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPI_Receive to USB_Transmit via DMA on STM32H7

Dear all,I try to read out ADC-Data, that is streamed from an external adc (AD7768) out to the uC. What I want to do is to more or less directly stream out the data via USB CDC.Therefore, I planned to use the DMA between the SPI and USB. However, thi...

Bench by Associate III
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AAC Codecs

Hello, I found on one website that ST provide audio music codecs (mp3 wma aac) optimized for STM32.But i need contact sales office for information of availability for specified STM32. I can't find the procedure for obtaining this library..   What is ...

SP9WB by Associate
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