Resolved! STM32F103RCT6TR-CAN
Hi, I am MURALI SELVAM I need one solution for STM32F103RCT6TR. Which is CAN pins in STM32F103RCT6TR IC. Kindly tell me. Thank you.
Hi, I am MURALI SELVAM I need one solution for STM32F103RCT6TR. Which is CAN pins in STM32F103RCT6TR IC. Kindly tell me. Thank you.
Hello to all,I have some problems running HS USB MSC device type on a STM32U5 using AZURE. After the program is running on my board, I see this new device on the Device Manager of my PC:"Azure RTO USBX storage dev USBdevice".But there are no hard dri...
Hello All,I am working on project using STM32Cube IDERecently I'm facing an issue like everything is working, when it is in debug mode.But when I disconnect the st-link nothing is working.And the project is in end stage and all of sudden I'm facing t...
here, i was send the data from tera term with xmodem 1k protocol and the file completely send from tera term side but i don't know ,how to see the file name on stm32 side
Hello!We have developed a LoRaWAN network using as end-nodes MURATA CMWX1ZZABZ-091 module (with a ST microprocessor inside).For this mode device, we use “I-CUBE-LRWAN” – (Lorawan Software Expansion from STMicroelectronics) and the code related to AT_...
Hello.I have a project with Azure, and now I want to connect an external USB memory. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to configure the project to be able to read and write files from the external USB memory?I have only found the following documenta...
STM32H743We have 4 SPI busses running at 12.5MHz but the SPI clocks are sequentially. SPI 1 and 2 are using DMA Channel 1 while SPI 3 and 4 are using DMA Channel 2. We would like them to run in parallel.Can they run in parallel.The code uses HAL_SPI_...
Hello everyone, I have a complex problem which I would like help from the memory experts and instruction optimization, if possible. I am trying to receive data using CDC_Receive_FS() call back, and, concurrently, process the data using an ISR which i...
hello,I am using Stm32f407 with an IM69D120 mic. I have couple of questions regarding the interface and configuration of the mic.1) Is it possible to configure the audio codec with a 4 kHz sampling frequency and a 16-bit resolution?2) Which interface...
Dear experts,I'm reading RMs for STM32 models with dual flash banks (F4, H7...) and don't quite understand how to use bank switching.Take the firmware update scenario when old firmware is in bank1 and new is programmed to bank2. So it programs some o...