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Resolved! STM32F103RCT6TR-CAN

Hi,          I am MURALI SELVAM I need one solution for STM32F103RCT6TR. Which is CAN pins in STM32F103RCT6TR IC. Kindly tell me. Thank you.

murali by Associate III
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Resolved! 3 SPI busses does not parallelize data access

STM32H743We have 4 SPI busses running at 12.5MHz but the SPI clocks are sequentially. SPI 1 and 2 are using DMA Channel 1 while SPI 3 and 4 are using DMA Channel 2. We would like them to run in parallel.Can they run in parallel.The code uses HAL_SPI_...

rlegault by Associate II
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Resolved! Booting with dual flash banks vs. bank swap

Dear experts,I'm reading RMs for STM32 models with dual flash banks (F4, H7...) and don't quite understand how to use bank switching.Take the firmware update scenario when old firmware is in bank1 and new is programmed to bank2. So it programs some o...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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