2025-01-05 6:53 PM
Hi All,
I've had the external SPI Flash driver working on the STM32H745_M7, using Zephyr SDK 4.0.0.
But when I setup it up on the M4 side the driver initialization is failing with error:
[1;31m<err> spi_ll_stm32: Could not select SPI domain clock
Further investigation shows that stm32_clock_control_configure(), is called from spi_stm32_init(), and fails to setup the clock path. In particular it is seeing that PLL_Q clock is not enabled. PLL 1 is setup on the M7 side and it doesn't look like I should be enabling it again in the M4's device tree again.
How do I get the correct clock path setup for the SPI driver on the M4 side? I need to run the external SPI flash from the M4.
2025-01-06 5:55 AM - edited 2025-01-06 5:55 AM
Hello @Simon33rd, Could you share the dts for the M4 side?
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2025-01-06 12:02 PM
Hi Sarra,
My board .dts settings and the resulting build zephyr.dts attached.
I did also try and use PLL3 given that PLL1 is setup on the M7 side, but I still get the same error.
by the way what is < &rcc 0x9 0xec50 > doing? I can see the first part is enabling SPI123 clock.
clocks = < &rcc 0xf0 0x1000 >, < &rcc 0x9 0xec50 >;
2025-01-13 5:50 PM
Hi Sarra,
Have you been able to look at this for me?
2025-01-20 1:04 PM
Hi @Sarra.S could you respond please?
2025-01-27 8:58 PM
Hi All,
I managed to find a workaround to the problem I was having. On the M7 side I was able to get SPI1 to use either the PLL1_Q clock or the PLL3_P clock. I wanted to use the PLL3_P clock to maximize the SPI clock to 50MHz, as it's 48MHz when using PLL1_Q (because I'm running at 480MHz and the highest DIVQ1 can be is /5).
On the M4 side I setup the PLL3 in the device tree (for the M4 Zephyr OS) and select this clock in &spi1:
clocks = <&rcc STM32_CLOCK(APB2, 12U)>,
<&rcc STM32_SRC_PLL3_P SPI123_SEL(2)>;
This doesn't and I get this runtime error:
[00:00:00.200,000] [1;31m<err> spi_ll_stm32: Timeout waiting for transfer complete[0m
[00:00:00.200,000] [1;31m<err> spi_nor: Failed to wait until flash is ready (-116)[0m
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0 ***
is25le01g@0: device not ready.
It looks like the SPI123 clock is not being setup. After some trial and error. I found that enabling the PLL3 (on the M4 side) but selecting the PLL1_Q clock on the clock Mux worked (SPI123_SEL(0)), and I get the 48MHZ SPI_CLK.
My device tree setup is as follows:
&clk_hse {
clock-frequency = <DT_FREQ_M(32)>;
status = "okay";
&pll3 {
div-m = <2>;
mul-n = <50>;
div-p = <4>;
div-q = <4>;
div-r = <4>;
clocks = <&clk_hse>;
status = "okay";
// External SPI NOR flash
status = "okay";
pinctrl-0 = < &spi1_nss_pg10 &spi1_sck_pg11
&spi1_miso_pg9 &spi1_mosi_pb5>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
clocks = <&rcc STM32_CLOCK(APB2, 12U)>,
<&rcc STM32_SRC_PLL3_P SPI123_SEL(0)>;
// cs-gpios must be disabled to use hardware SS
//cs-gpios = <&gpiog 10 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;
spi_nor_1g: is25le01g@0 {
compatible = "jedec,spi-nor";
reg = < 0x0 >;
status = "okay";
// 50MHz max frequency for standard SPI
spi-max-frequency = < 50000000 >;
jedec-id = [ 9D 60 1B ];
size = < 0x40000000 >;
//spi-cpol; /* Clock Polarity: 1 = idle high */
//spi-cpha; /* Clock Phase: 1 = sample on rising edge */
partitions {
compatible = "fixed-partitions";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
storage_partition: partition@00000 {
label = "storage";
reg = <0x00000000 DT_SIZE_M(132)>;
Not ideal but it's working.