STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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HID Report Descriptor Contains Wrong Byte

Posted on April 09, 2014 at 14:45I've got a USB HID device based on a STM32F427 that can be set up to run as either FS or HS USB. When I use FS, all is well. However, when I use HS (which uses the same descriptor), the report descriptor contains one...

jvavra by Associate III
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STM32F3Discovery Problem with USB User

Posted on April 07, 2014 at 16:50Hi, I downloaded a USB device examples a I tried to use a Virtual Com Port Loopback.This example works only if I manualy replug usb cable when the program is started. Anyone knows how can I do software reset?I use a ...

slqa123 by Associate
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STM32F4 Discovery OTG FS Device Issue

Posted on April 06, 2014 at 10:09Hello Everyone,I am trying to send and receive data on STM32F4 Discovery over USB. USB is configured as Virtual Com Port (CDC) and running at full speed. STM32CubeMX is set up on my machine and the project that I hav...

STM32cubeMX clock configuration 168MHz

Posted on April 01, 2014 at 09:49Hello community,I getting my hands on STM32cubeMX tool for first time to generate project for STM32F405RG. The board has 8MHz oscillator connected to  OSC_IN, OSC_OUT pins. I was trying to configure the board to run ...

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harinath by Associate III
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STM32F407VG and UART Bootloader

Posted on March 28, 2014 at 07:26Hi All I have kind of garbage with the uart bootloader. What I do: 1. I tie pins (BOOT0=vcc, BOOT1=gnd). Turn on power. 2. From PC sent 0x7F (57600, 8E1). 3. I get answer from STM32 - 0x79 - that means that everythin...

Ivan by Associate II
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USB Host Library for STM32F4

Posted on March 29, 2014 at 15:38 Hi, I'm using the new version of the USB Host library that comes with STM Cube, but I'm having some difficulty as the only documentation I can find is for the old library. Does anyone know if there is an...

brett by Associate II
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STM32F407VG and ULPI USB3320

Posted on December 11, 2013 at 14:02Hi colleagues! I suppose this is old topic, but I haven't found the solution yet. what I have: 1. Modified STM32F4_discovery: removed microphone, and some resistors for avoiding conflict with ULPI interface. 2. B...

zuew by Associate II
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