2016-04-27 05:23 AM
Hello everyone,
I have problem with my STM32F4 DISCOVERY board. According to spec:+ Using ''Bootloader (USB FS Device in DFU mode)''
- Configure the STM32F4-Discovery board to boot from ''System Memory'' (boot pins BOOT0:1 / BOOT1:0)
- Set BOOT0 pin to high level: on the male header P2 place a jumper between
BOOT0 pin and VDD pin
- Set BOOT1(PB2) pin to low level: on the male header P1 place a jumper
between PB2 pin and GND pin
- Connect a 'USB type A to Mini-B' cable between PC and USB connector CN1
to power the board.
- Connect a 'USB type A to Micro-B' cable between PC and USB connector CN5,
the board will be detected as USB device.
I did that steps, but I don't see ,,STM Device in DFU mode. I only see the ST-LINK in USB devices. Do you have any ideas where could be the problem?Thank you for your support,Mateusz #usb-dfu #stm32f429zit2016-04-27 05:41 AM
The instruction are for a different board, not the STM32F429I-DISCO
The STM32F429I-DISCO connects the USB to the USB-HS rather than the USB-FS, the System Loader only supports the latter.2016-04-28 12:44 AM
Thank you for your quick reply!
You're right, instruction is for different board. http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/cn/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00039084.pdf(Site 35)http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/cn/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00093903.pdf(Site 30)I was misunderstood by the fact, that in both documents (for STM32F4 DISCOVERY and STM32F429 DISCOVERY), the micro usb socket is connected to USB_OTG_FS. Is it mistake, or I understand it in wrong way?