STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Configuration USB ports HS in FS mode

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 10:10Hello,I am working on USB applications on a STM32F207IG. The usb communication works in FS with the port PA9, PA11 and PA12, in HS with the ULPI. But I need to USE the ports PB13 (Vbus) , PB 14 (DM) and PB15 (DP). T...

BeRTOS 2.7 delivers lwIP and IAR support

Posted on August 11, 2011 at 10:04Hi, I'm pleased to announce that 2.7 has been released. Major changes in this release are: TCP/IP network stackTFTP server Support for STM32F100RB NAND KBlock device Experimental IAR port...

Class compliant USB DFU on STM32

Posted on July 25, 2011 at 17:04Hi AllAs far as I know, the DFU (device firmware update) is specified by the USB org.I was wondering why ST provides a specific driver for DFU since the DFU class exists and no driver should be required if the descrip...

jerome2 by Associate II
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STM32 flash-reprogram throught memory stick

Posted on July 06, 2011 at 13:38Hi, I am trying to reprogram the flash memory of an ARM (STM32F105RC) trhought a memry stick (USB OTG) and I would know if it is possible and someone has any experience on that. Reading the documentation it seems it ...

bfeixas by Associate II
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STM32 USB DFU and User application

Posted on July 21, 2011 at 11:24Hi AllI'm trying to develop a new firmware using USB DFU as well as USB MIDI class.I'm using IAR EWARM, compiling for STM32L152I downloaded the DFU project from ST libraries, and I have a couple of questions regarding...

jerome2 by Associate II
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USB HID on STM32 CL and MD

Posted on July 15, 2011 at 15:31Hello, I'm stucked at programming a USB. Based on ST USB Library and sample project (Custom HID) i've created an program that send to PC data in report of size 10 bytes. So i changed an description of usb (in usb_desc...

mpachock by Associate
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