STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Bug in USB HID, keyboard code

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 11:18I'd like to report a bug. In the file usbh_hid_keybd.c, ver. V3.2.2, date: 07-July-2015line 333:Now is: if(HID_Handle->length > (sizeof(keybd_report_data)/sizeof(uint32_t))){    HID_Handle->length = (sizeof(keybd_repo...

How to change USBH_malloc

Posted on November 06, 2017 at 15:59Hello,I`m using the CubeMX 4.23 and want to use the HAL USB Driver. In the usbh:conf.h is the code:/* Memory management macros */ &sharpdefine USBH_malloc malloc&sharpdefine USBH_free free&sharpdefine USBH_memset ...

tekampe by Associate II
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Resolved! LwIP UDP updated examples ?

Posted on June 28, 2017 at 16:42Hello fellow stm32 explorersI am currently trying to communicate on a LAN network between a pc (server) and my stm32F4 discovery + phy module (client) via a UDP protocol.I am using LwIP with the RAW api (also called N...

andy b by Senior
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Get serial port buffer size

Posted on December 18, 2017 at 08:14Hi All,   I'm using FreeRTOS and NUCLEO-F746ZG. Is there a way to get the size of the serial port buffer memory? The only way that I found is using register but I'm looking for a better solution.@arg UART_FLAG_RXN...

[STM32F407] CS43L22 problem!

Posted on December 16, 2017 at 02:40Hello!I am working with CS43L22 on STM32F407VG Discovery Board. I use Audio_playback_and_record example to play .wav file. If i use headphone, I can get good sound. But If I use speaker I get small sound. Is that ...

STM32 Microcontroller USB interface

Posted on December 18, 2017 at 15:17Hello.,I am working with STM32F7 MCU in custom board, Actually it has two onboard MCU(both are STM32F7 microcontroller), Now my first task is to establish USB communication between two MCU's . I tried by configuri...

STM32CubeF0 - SPI functions problem

Posted on July 13, 2016 at 09:27Hi All,We are using STM32F072B and faced with SPI comm. problem.I have seen that Cube SPI functions have some bugs. HAL_SPI_Receive does not reading first three byte and loosing last three byte. I have seen several bu...

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Resolved! SMT32L4 - SD card data transfer to PC

Posted on December 16, 2017 at 14:15Hi,I would like to make a device that works like a memory card reader:I want to share SD card's data in the PC. I would like to connect memory card to discovery board and using USB interface to transfer data.can i...

lorant124 by Associate III
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