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Forum Posts

Resolved! Sharing Text file

Hello everyone,Recently I have been learning to create and write data to a text file in a flash drive that is connected to the STM32F407G Discovery board via USB_OTG_FS. Now I want to share the text file in the Flash drive to a mobile device via blue...

Resolved! Nucleo-F767ZI must reset after power ON

Hello everyone, my programme on Nucleo-F767ZI do not run when I power ON by external power supply. I force to press reset button or power supply st-link by usb cable.I searched some solutions such as: BOOT0 to GND; or turn on bit POR = 1 in RCC_CSR, ...

ManhPham by Associate III
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Bootloader stm32l072kzt 192kb

I want to perform the bootloader on my stm32l072kzt 192kb microcontroller without the need to use serial interfaces, my idea is to download a new firmware from the cloud and then update the computer with this new firmware. However, it seems to me tha...

Wave by Associate II
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DMA DAC over an U575ZI-Q

Hello everyone I've being trying to setup a DAC output using DMA in a nucleo U575ZI-Q board.I started with the example provided in the stm32CubeIDE, works fine, and I obtained a desired output. The point gets more complex because I needed to use the ...

output.jpg eosella_0-1718373365822.png
eosella by Associate II
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