Riverdi SDMMC1 FR_NOT_READY error
I am encountering the FR_NOT_READY and FR_INVALID_OBJECT error when trying to mount the SD card and write a file in RVT101HVSFWCA0 Riverdi display. Could you please advise on how to resolve these issues?
I am encountering the FR_NOT_READY and FR_INVALID_OBJECT error when trying to mount the SD card and write a file in RVT101HVSFWCA0 Riverdi display. Could you please advise on how to resolve these issues?
I have been trying to run the IOT_HTTP_WebServer Demo on the B-U585I-IOT02A board, and the program seems to get stuck in an infinite loop. It will enter the app_entry() function and then reach the the line that contains if (webserver_wifi_connect() !...
When programming STM32H745i with St-link v2 I notice that the display does not turn on, only LD2 flashes red and can not load the code giving the following message:stmcubeide v1.16.0 upgraded stlink v2 without problems and recognizes it well. In the...
I'm using a STM32F469i- discovery board for developing a prototype & would like to use the Audio DAC feature in it and it is given in the datasheet that one set of pins (15 & 16 in CN12). I checked this discovery board's and also the controller's dat...
Has anyone here written a library for this module which you could share? The design is rather convoluted using a port expander across the I2C bus, with the Hitachi controller in 4-bit mode. I could reverse engineer this, but would prefer not to expe...
on my mks monster8 v2 3d printer control board using stm32f407ve chip it was damaged specifically gnd pin and vcc pin are connected, i bought another chip and soldered it to the board, however when plugging in usb it does not recognize com port, i tr...
Hello,I am implementing UART through the NUCLEO-L073RZ board, I have connected PA2 and PA3 pin of the board to the FTDI and what I see on the Tera Term is ATE=0, not what I am sending, can anyone tell how to resolve the issue.
Trying to do this.Whilst it can connect using the serial port, nothing come out. I suspect is that whenever I try to recycle the power (seems no other way to activate the firmware), the /dev/cu* is lost. Hence, whilst this command is ok after the r...
I'm displaying weather data in TouchGFX. The weather data is in JSON format and comes from main.c and must be copied over to Model.cpp which decodes the weather data. To then be displayed using Screen1View.cpp. But I cannot get any data to appear on ...
How do I connect 2 mcu stm32 nucleo l053r8 boards using uart with only one USB cable and how do I check if connection is established using led