So I just recently got an stm32f103c8t6, and I was able to connect to it with the serial pins connected to pins A8 and A9, but for whatever reason, I was not able to get it to connect with the St link v2 that I also ordered. For connections, I connec...
Created a new project on known-good hardware and attempted to debug. Upon launch, I get this message window:'Launching TestProject Debug' has encountered a problem.Error in final launch sequence:Error in initializing ST-LINK device.Reason: (13) Unkn...
Hi,Recently I bought two STM32H747-DISC0 boards and seems that one of them is not working properly. The first one is working well, I can flash, debug and so on. The second one, there's no way I can flash it. I tried using CubeIDE and also ST-Link uti...
Hi,I have to use USB Mass Storage Thumb Drive with STM32F722VET 100 Pin MCU I don't want use any power switch IC as below:STMPS2151STR USB-VBUS Power Switches and LM3526 Dual Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current Protection.I have confusion of Hardw...
Here is my current approach to perform flash and run without debug:install st-link utilityin stm32cubeide open Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings-> tab "Tool Settings" -> MCU Post build outputs check "Convert to Intel Hex file"Run -> Debug Co...
Hello,I'm designing a new schematic for am IOT project with STM32L476RGT and looked for reference in the schematic of the Nucle-L476RG. In this schematic the V_ref/VDDA (Pin 13) is connected to PB12 (Pin 33). Why are these two pins connected?