I'm new to the Cube toolchain and am attempting my first program. TIM2 is configured for PWM so I put a scope on one of the pins as a test the program runs but saw nothing. I had forgotten to remove the jumper, so I removed it to enable execution, bu...
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.3.0Copyright (c) 2023, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.Starting server with the following options: Persistent Mode : Disabled LogFile Name : C:\Workspace\RTOS_Workspace\001_Ta...
Hi! I am working currently on a stm32 F407, I am implementing USB Communication Device Class with the microcontroller being a device. The microcontroller is powered via the STLink but I wanted to change that and supply it through the usb I am using f...
When using both B-LCDAD-HDMI1 and B-CAMS-OMV together on STM32M747I-Disc, HDMI has no output. Finally, found that i2c address of OV5640 use the same address of ADV7533 CEC-DSI. Any solution?
HiI have a STM32F756VGT6.Please see picture attached.There are two dots and the datasheet sheds no light on which could be pin-1Could someone please clarify this silly question.RegardsSrinath
I made a prototype board using STM32H7A3LIH6Q.Before the firmware was written, a current of 500mA flowed(@+3.3V).VDD and VSS were not shorted.Q1)Have there been such cases in the past?Q2)Are there any mistakes in the wiring of the circuit?Q3)VFBSMPS...
Hi all, want the schematics of STM32H745I-DISCO in orcad. anyone here successfully converted it from altium ? please share orcad file.
I'd like to build my own development board for learning purposes and I found a circuit on the Internet without much explanation. I want to solder this board but I have some concerns. My main questions are: Will this development board work?How can I p...