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Hello, I have a NUCLEO F446RE and the STLINK-V3SET. What I want to do is programming the MCU through the bootloader using the CAN interface, but the target is not detected on STM32CubeProg.

Zephyr S
Associate II

My NUCLEO is powered by an external power supply of 5V on the E5V pin. The STLINK is detected on STM32CubeProg, but no board, no target voltage.. (Sometimes 0.01-0.03V)

You could find below what I had already do for my installation.

What did I do on the STLINK :

-Plug the MB1440 on the MB1441


-Other way, JP1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 & 12 are ON

-JP4 & 6 are OFF

-No wire except on CN5

What did I do on the NUCLEO F446RE :

-Osc X3 8MHz 16pF 20ppm installed

-SB54 & SB55 OFF

-SB16 & SB50 OFF (MCO OFF)

-C33 & C34 soldered with a 20pF

-R35 & R37 soldered

-JP5 on E5V (external power supply)

-Pin PB_2 on GND

-Pin BOOT0 on Vdd

-Other way, JP6is ON

-CN11, 12 & 3 are ON and JP1, 4 & CN2 are OFF, but at first glance it's about the STLINK V2 integrated on the NUCLEO that is not supply so don't care

The link between the two boards :

-CAN NUCLEO Rx (CAN2_RD PB_5) on STLINK CAN Rx (As indicate on the UM2448)

-CAN NUCLEO Tx CAN2_TD PB_13)on STLINK CAN Tx (As indicate on the UM2448)

Here's are my questions :

--Does T_CAN_VCC (STLINK CN5) stand for Target Voltage ? So that would mean I just have to wire T_CAN_VCC to 3.3V pin or IOREF ?

-Do I have to wire any T_VCC of JP10, CN5 or CN2 to a 3.3V pin or IOREF ?

If anyone could help me, because I tried some connections between both boards and it is never detected on STM32CubeProg.


Associate II


Yes. 3.3V shall be provided to CAN_VCC and VCC_T as well. Ground is also required. Moreover we need an external transceiver and this transceiver output shall be connected to your target board Tranceiver CAN H and CAN L. Are you planning to use custom Bootloader or System Bootloader? Based on that we need to choose the Boot Configuration. Please refer your MCU reference Manual section 


and update the Option byte as well. I have a similar issue and progressed little bit . BTW did you fix this issue? Please call email or call me back, if you are available.

+44 7934 466587

