Hello, I am trying to send sensor data through BLE.Below is my code I am getting BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT (0xFF) from getBlueNRGVersion fuction as shown in code I am printing hex value just to know return val.After that every functions returning same erro...
Hello, Is s2-lp RF module supports mesh? If yes, where can'i found mesh stack and how it can be used? Is below application note describe how can'i configure s2-lp module to work on mesh network? https://my.st.com/resource/en/design_tip/dm00567382.pd...
Our medical device include a Bluetooth module with part number SPBT3.0DP2. It is failed in carrier frequency tolerance test.
Hi,I'm working on the new BlueTile board (STEVAL-BCN002V1B) including a BlueNRG-2 module. According to documentation, BlueNRG-2 should support data length extension from Bluetooth 5.0. Has this feature already been added to the SDK ?It seems that th...
Hello.There is a schematic for using BlurNRG-232 (QFN-32) with the balun BALF-NRG-02D3 in the datasheet for BlueNRG-2. The STEVAL-IDB008V2 (BlurNRG-232) was done with BALF-NRG-02D3. The schematic of STEVAL-IDB009V1 (BlurNRG-248) was done without the ...
I try to use the BlueNRG in conjunction with the FreeRTOS but the system always ends up in a hardfault as soon as I querry the BLE services.The initialization of the BlueNRG works and establishing a connection works as well. But it seems like any use...
I cannot find any related information for this.It seems like evt_gatt_attr_notification->attr_value always has 2 bytes leading zeros.This means if a write a char value with Attribute_Val_Length = 0x02 and Attribute_Val = 0xCAFE I get a attr_value of ...
Hi,I want to connect the BlueNRG-2 evaluation board (STEVAL-IDB008V2) to a standard bluetooth dongle in a standard PC and let the PC receive some data like numbers between 0 and 255 from the BlueNRG-2 device. Can’t find out how. Can anybody help?
Hello Experts,I am looking to establish a L2CAP "CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS IN LE CREDITBASED FLOW CONTROL MODE" using "LE Credit Based Connection request" signalling command.I am using two X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 boards to build the connection.After I se...