What is the carrier frequency tolerance of SPBT3.0DP2?
Our medical device include a Bluetooth module with part number SPBT3.0DP2. It is failed in carrier frequency tolerance test.
Our medical device include a Bluetooth module with part number SPBT3.0DP2. It is failed in carrier frequency tolerance test.
Hi,I'm working on the new BlueTile board (STEVAL-BCN002V1B) including a BlueNRG-2 module. According to documentation, BlueNRG-2 should support data length extension from Bluetooth 5.0. Has this feature already been added to the SDK ?It seems that th...
Hello.There is a schematic for using BlurNRG-232 (QFN-32) with the balun BALF-NRG-02D3 in the datasheet for BlueNRG-2. The STEVAL-IDB008V2 (BlurNRG-232) was done with BALF-NRG-02D3. The schematic of STEVAL-IDB009V1 (BlurNRG-248) was done without the ...
I try to use the BlueNRG in conjunction with the FreeRTOS but the system always ends up in a hardfault as soon as I querry the BLE services.The initialization of the BlueNRG works and establishing a connection works as well. But it seems like any use...
I cannot find any related information for this.It seems like evt_gatt_attr_notification->attr_value always has 2 bytes leading zeros.This means if a write a char value with Attribute_Val_Length = 0x02 and Attribute_Val = 0xCAFE I get a attr_value of ...
Hi,I want to connect the BlueNRG-2 evaluation board (STEVAL-IDB008V2) to a standard bluetooth dongle in a standard PC and let the PC receive some data like numbers between 0 and 255 from the BlueNRG-2 device. Can’t find out how. Can anybody help?
Hello Experts,I am looking to establish a L2CAP "CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS IN LE CREDITBASED FLOW CONTROL MODE" using "LE Credit Based Connection request" signalling command.I am using two X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 boards to build the connection.After I se...
I am using proximity sensor as Interrupt on STM32F4 board .My goal is that when the GPIO is set than Interrupt or event (which is best in both of them) is generate and work can be performed by MCU.
this same thing happening with two board different board of same family.
I found that I can make vendor model client with BluenrgMesh_SetRemoteData(), BluenrgMesh_ReadRemoteData() functions using BlueNRG embedded SDK.However, these functions looks only for vendor models. Are there any APIs to make standard models client l...