I want to know whether the chip hosted mode or host less mode
Hello,I can't find any example code of flash write or read using LL_drivers, only HAL drivers. I work with Blue NRG and I do have rf_drivers_ll_flash.c with functions that looks like those in rf_drivers_hal_flash.c. But I can't make flash working wit...
I bet mostly everyone who's had their hands on a Nucleo board and an S2LP addon board encountered the lack of support for the CubeIDE integration.So my question is: did anyone get the S2LP-DK or S2LP-SigFox-DK demo projects working with CubeIDE or do...
Hello,I have two custom boards with S2LP cut 3.0, with the same program, but one S2LP can't go in Rx or Tx mode. I tried S2LPPacketHandlerSetTxMode( PN9_TX_MODE ); S2LPCmdStrobeTx(); while(1);I checked the S2LP status ( MC_STATE ), its READY before a...
Hi, I have two S2- LP modul ( Radiocontrolli ) and I would like to test these but I can't start the communication. I use Microchip microcontrollers, the SPI communication is working, TX command OK, I get the nIRQ on GPIO1 ( TX data sent ) , and get ...
Hi,To measure distance between two bluenrg module using rssi value.The two devices are loaded with BLE_Beacon example with different public address and few scanning functions are included.Both the device advertising data can be seen in ST Ble APP in ...
I am currently using BLUENRG-M2SP Nucleo expansion board and STM32L476 Nucleo board. When I execute the aci_gap_start_observation_proc function, I get a 0x46 (BLE_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED) error.Do I need to make any special settings when executing the fun...
Dear Sir,I kindly ask you what is the quiescent current value of the driver with EN=HIGH (chip enable) and Vs up to 24V; into the datasheet at page 8/14 is written 2mA max @ Vs<=14V, what should be the maximum value with Vs equal 24V?On page 10/14 is...
Is it possible to use the BlueNRG API to have a automatic characteric broadcasting? Currently I do this manually by calling the functionaci_gatt_update_char_value()for the corresponding characteristic but that's kinda cumbersome. Does the stack provi...