2021-09-28 2:49 AM
2021-09-28 3:02 AM
Hi DO'Sh.2,
In regards of certification, there is two different topic :
BlueNRG-2 (chipset) is a Bluetooth certified SoC as you noticed, and you so can found on BT SiG website associated QDIDs (let me know if you don't have).
About Regional certification, it is applicable ONLY to "end product" and has no sense at chipset level (BleuNRG-2). Hence, BlueNRg-2 do not have any reginal certification.
Anyway, it exists a BlueNRG-M2 module which is a BLE module based on BlueNRG-2 chipset. This one is having such regional certification.
> https://www.st.com/en/wireless-connectivity/bluenrg-m2.html#documentation
This demonstrate ability of BlueNRG-2 chipset to pass certification.
Hope it clarifies.